Six Pack Abs- Do We Believe In The Right Thing

Washboard, killer, six pack abs. Good looking guys and women with excellent midsection are admired and make other people's jaw drop. If we can just do a hundred sit-ups a day, then it is possible to get the perfect abs that we want.

Myth alert!

It seems like not all the things that we heard from "experts" or overheard in the public areas are true. Maybe the reason why we are not getting those perfect abs are because we are not doing it right. Then that would be such a terrible waste of our time. So we need to know the myths and what is real to get the chiseled abs we want.

Six pack Myth 1: Abdominal muscle is different from regular muscle.

Muscle is muscle. Abdominal muscle is the same with our biceps and lats. The only difference is the location. Abdominal muscles are not resting on a bony surface, instead it is against the stomach and intestines. There is no significant difference whatsoever.

Six pack Myth 2: Strong abs means a strong back.

The key to a strong back is a balanced abdominal muscles. You can work your abs, but no more and no less than you work your other muscles throughout the day. There are heavy emphasis on working your abs, this heavy emphasis is often misunderstood to be the contributor of food health. Infomercials give the false belief that by working out just one part of your body will give your health great benefits.

Working out and exercise should not just be concerned with one part of the body. What you need is an overall body fitness to be healthy.

Six Pack Myth 3: You have to train your abs at least every other day.

They say that you need to train your abs hard enough twice a week, that is to give them time for recovery. The key is to choose exercises that fatigue your abs, so that they actually need recovery time. Include exercises that use the abs functionality. Since abs are used to stabilize the body, holding a push up position without letting your body sag will really feel and develop your abdominal muscles.

Six Pack Myth 4: To gain results, high repetitions are required.

The key to abdominal gains is the to overload. If you aim abdominal endurance, the more crunches you do each time, the more you can do later on. It does not strengthen the abs very much but it also eats up most of your time.

Six Pack Myth 5: Hard rock abs can be attained by doing a lot of sit-ups.

Many doctors say that sit-ups and crunches are the work exercises and perhaps should never be done. A common mistake done during crunches, is throwing the neck out. Crunches and sit-ups cause the abdominal muscles to be pulled to tight, this excessive pulling put stress on the neck or what is known as throwing the neck out. The overuse of crunch type exercises may even lead to the reduction of thoracic extension and contributes to bad posture.

Six Pack Myth 6: It takes years to get great abs.

Everyone has abdominal muscles, you just need to train them in the correct order and reduce the fat surrounding them. For some, it would take a few weeks. For other it may be longer. Different body type develop at different rates.

Easy Six Pack Abs-tips For Easy Workout

You are always busy. You don't have enough time to go to the gym. You don't even have time to stand up away from your computer. But you have a dream. A model's body. A six pack abdominal glory. Want to get that dream?

There are some easy abdominal exercises that you can do even at home. Here are some exercises that can easily be done:

• Crunches

Almost all people know how to do this. This exercise targets the upper abdomen. It's one of the basic but effective exercises. To perform crunches, you need to lie on a flat surface with your hands in your chest or behind you head. Contract your abs, then hold for 2 seconds, then return to your lying position. Proper crunches are in a continuous and controlled fashion. Concentrate on your abdominal muscles to pull your upper body up. Avoid using the neck or shoulders to push yourself up. This incorrect practice will cause stress and strains.

• Side Crunches

They are basically the same as regular crunches, except that the main focus is on the oblique muscles which are also called love handles. It also uses the same technique, only that you are crunching to either side of our abs. This would burn the sides of your abs.

• Lying Leg Lifts

This exercise targets the lower abs. with this kind of exercise, you are on the same position as with the crunches, you lie flat on your back and lift your legs six to twelve inches of the ground. This would exercise the muscles in the lower part of the abdomen. When performing leg lifts, place your hand under your buttock. It adds leverage and helps you get your feet elevated.

If you want to add more weight into the exercise, attach padded weights into your ankles. These weights can be purchased at the local sports store. If you do not want to buy weights, you can simply fill up old tube socks with enough clean, unused cat litter to make one or two pound weight.

• V- Crunches

It's almost like lying leg lifts except your chest is at a 45 degree angle starting out. Sit at the edge of a bench and reach back just enough to support yourself from completely lying on the bench. Once you've stabilized, bring your knees toward your chest. You would be creating a V motion. The base of the V would be your abs.

• Cat stretch

It's the same with the movements made by a cat when they stretch their back. This simple action is a quick and easy exercise. Get down on the floor with your hands and knees, with muscles relaxed and looking straight ahead. Next, tighten your abdominal muscles while thrusting you back upward as far as you can. Maintain the position for five counts before lowering your back.

• Bicycle Crunch

To do this, start y lying flat on the floor. Put your hand beside your head then raise knees up to 45 degrees angle and them perform a pedaling motion like what you do when you ride the bicycle.

• Standing Side Bends

Standing side bends encourages the loss of fats in the oblique muscles. To start, stand up straight with the stomach sucked in, legs straight and hands on the sides. Simply lean the body from left to right being careful not to rotate the hips and while keeping body facing front. There is a variety of side bends, this is the torso twists. Instead of bending side to side twist or rotate the upper body from left to right while keeping the legs straight.

You can remove your flabby stomach and replace it with six pack abs, as long as you have disciplined and of course the will to do so.

The Basics Of Pilates Exersise And Training System

The Pilates exercise and training system is a popular fitness program that is known to focus on stretching, strengthening and balancing of the different areas of the body. It makes use of a system or sets of body specific exercises that is practiced along with focused breathing patterns. The exercises also help in teaching proper breathing awareness while doing them. This fitness system also helps aid spine alignment. The exercises in the Pilates system also aim to strengthen the deep torso muscles that is more commonly known as the "core".

History of Pilates The Pilates system was first developed by a German by the name of Joseph Pilates sometime during the First World War. In the system that is now widely known by his last name, the aim was to help improve the rehabilitation program being provided for the returning war veterans. This type of fitness regimen was proposed the make use only of a few and precise movements. This makes it a more convenient fitness regimen especially for injured soldiers. The said fitness system makes do with more emphasis on control and form, adding a mental aspect to fitness. A primary aim then was to help injured soldiers to regain their strength as well as to stabilize some of the body's key muscles.

Mental Aspect At first, Joseph Pilates initially called this new fitness system as Contrology. The term was chosen because he believed that the new method and its exercises needed to make use of the mind more often in order to control the muscles to achieve the perfect execution and form of each type of exercise. The aim was to make the mind work closely together with the body in order to allow movements with grace and balance but with the least amount of movement possible. It is important in the Pilates system that practitioners to always pay close attention to the body as it moves when doing the exercises.

Breathing Aspect Another thing that Joseph Pilates believed is that good blood circulation is very important for having a healthy body. The blood needs to circulate properly in order for the body to function more efficiently. Good circulation helps awaken the cells in the body. Good circulation also helps a lot in getting rid of waste products in cells and tissues. These are the waste products that are usually related to fatigue.

One way for good circulation to do its work properly is through proper breathing. As the blood circulating in the body needs to be rich in oxygen and be freed of waste gases, proper breathing will allow it to do so. Pilates believed that proper breathing and good circulation go hand in hand. And because of this the practice of proper breathing is an important part of each Pilates exercise. If at one point a person stops breathing for a moment during a certain set of exercise, then it is considered as improper. The person may be doing something wrong in the said exercise.

Core Focus The Pilates exercise and training system also focuses on strengthening the group of muscles usually referred to as the "core". This group of muscles which is located in the center of the body includes the muscles in the hips, abdomen, lower back and the buttocks. The Pilates exercises focuses on building a more powerful core. This is where the body's energy is said to originate from.

All About Working The Transverse Abdominals

A group of muscles that often gets neglected in stomach exercise routines are the transverse abdominals, the core muscles that lie below the rectus abdominus. Most abdominal exercises target the rectus abdominus and the vertical abdominals, ignoring the transverse abdominals. Even crunches, the staple of most abdominal workouts, do nothing for the transverse abdominals.

These muscles are actually the most important to target, however, as they connect to both the lower back muscles and the rectus abdominus and for a girdle for the entire abdomen. Any routine aimed at flattening the stomach should include the transverse abdominals as a focus. Using the following exercises, you can work out your transverse abdominals and really make progress on that flat tummy. As with any workout routine, be sure to consult a professional before beginning and always warm up properly to avoid injury.

Pelvic Tilts This stomach exercise requires lying on your back on a flat surface, such as the floor or a bench. Use a mat or towel to cushion your spine. Bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor. Raise your pelvis (and only your pelvis) off the floor, hold momentarily, and then lower it back down. Repeat for an entire set. Maintaining a controlled movement is crucial to this exercise. This will allow you to use your abdominal muscles, rather than your body's momentum, to do the work on the exercise. Also, be sure to keep your upper body on the floor throughout.

Crunchless Crunch This first exercise is fairly simple but can also be fairly difficult. Essentially, it involves trying to pull the belly button in towards the spine. This can be tricky, as it involves using muscles which you may not be used to activating. To start, either lie or on your stomach or kneel. You might want to try both ways and see which helps you feel the exercise better. Relax your body as much as possible, then try to use only the lower abdominals to move your belly button toward your spine. Hold for ten seconds. If holding for ten seconds feels easy, hold for a longer period. The goal is to hold the contraction until you either cannot feel it, or you feel other muscles working harder than the transverse abdominus. When you feel this, let the contraction out.

Scissor Kicks This stomach exercise also requires lying on the floor. Position your hands under your butt, keeping your back pressed against the floor. Slowly raise one leg to a height of about ten inches, then slowly lower it back to the floor. As your lower one leg, raise the other. Repeat this motion for an entire set. Maintaining control throughout is important, not allowing momentum to get the better of you. Your upper body should remain on the floor through the entire move.

There are plenty of other exercises targeting the transverse abdominals, but these three ought to be enough to get you started. Stomach exercises like these are key to any tummy-flattening plan, and they are especially good for pregnant and post-partum women.

Lose The Belly Fat

Where does all the extra weight go? This tends to vary from person to person. I know if I put on some extra pounds, it will head straight to my stomach. However, if my wife gains weight, it typically heads for her thighs and butt area. Now, what can you do to shed this excess fat? Well, whether you're struggling to lose belly bulge or thunder thighs, there are specific exercises to get the job done right. Are you ready take the next step?

Let's talk about the old spare tire. Isn't this what folks used to call it? It's that extra chub that resides just above your waist and beneath your chest. Every day individuals are striving to lose belly fat and keep it off. However, are they going about it the right way? When I take a glance around the local fitness center, I know that they're not. You want to know why? Because the same people I saw a year ago are still walking in there and they haven't changed a bit. Sure, they do their workout regimes and break a good sweat, but they're forgetting about one crucial part. EATING HEALTHY! There is no way that some of these common gym dwellers are eating healthy. And regardless of what you think, this is half of it.

Therefore if you hit the gym five days a week for a full-body workout, but then grab a value meal at Burger King for dinner, you're wasting your time and effort. You won't lose belly fat, because you're stagnant. You basically burn calories and them consume a ton more. This may keep you at the same weight, but it won't help you excel. Not to mention that it's terrible for your heart and overall body. It's imperative to adopt healthy eating habits if you actually expect to lose belly flab and gain rock-hard abs.

Exercises for toning up! Cardio is essential for burning calories. Take your pick from treadmills, to stationary bikes, to Elliptical machines. All will get your heart rate up and help you lose belly fat. Then there are toning exercises such as crunches, knee raises and sit-ups. All of which will strengthen and tone you stomach muscles. But remember, if you don't lose belly fat first, no one's going to be able to see that six-pack shine through.